
Showing posts from February 6, 2019

Is there anything in the rules giving Loxodons disadvantage on Stealth checks?

2 $begingroup$ I'm curious if there is a ruling on this topic. Specifically the debate was over whether a Loxodon Way of the Shadow Monk could benefit from the massive stealth advantages and ninja-teleportation. This would apply equally I presume for Centaurs and other larger (but still medium) playable races. Speaking of "flavor" it seems a Loxodon/Centaur ninja would be highly ineffective. A 7ft tall 400lb elephant probably wouldn't make a great ninja, right? It makes sense from a world concept level. But is there actually anything in the rules that would give these large (but still Medium-sized) creatures disadvantage on Stealth checks? dnd-5e races stealth ravnica share | improve thi


Seymaz is een historisch merk van wegrace-zijspannen. Zwitsers bedrijf van Erich Vuagnat dat gespecialiseerd was in het maken van wegrace-zijspancombinaties. De naam is afkomstig van het riviertje Seymaz dat langs Vaugnats werkplaats stroomde. Geplaatst op: 09-04-2005 Dit artikel is een beginnetje over motorsport. U wordt uitgenodigd om op bewerken te klikken om uw kennis aan dit artikel toe te voegen . This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

Determine free space available on a USB flash drive in C (linux)

3 I would like to figure out the available free space on a USB flash drive in a C program in Linux. I have earlier used system("df -h /dev/sda1") to figure it out but using system command in a Linux C application is causing some timing issues. Hence need to know how to determine available free space using any kind of system call. linux usb usb-drive c system-calls share | improve this question edited 3 hours ago PRY 2,019 3 10 25 asked 3 hours ago OpenSourceEnthusiast Ope